horses GB lynn 8-16Recently I did a live radio interview for a Nashville, TN station. We talked about gasoline prices and that led us to a discussion on fracking. The host understood but her co- host slowly said, “I hear what you are saying Mr. Kozera but I still think we should all be driving electric cars.” I responded, “That’s fine. There is nothing wrong with electric cars. But the electricity they run on comes primarily from fossil fuels like coal and natural gas. Electric cars require a lot of plastic so that they can be lightweight. Plastic comes from petrochemicals that come from oil and gas wells that have all been fracked. Electric cars can’t exist without fracking.”
That was not the first time I have had the electric cars comment. Many people never think about where electricity or the products we use every day come from. Things like cell phones, TVs, athletic shoes and even medical equipment require plastic from petrochemicals from oil and gas from wells that have been fracked.
Sadly there are many people who actually believe that we don’t need fossil fuels.
Horses and buggies are our transportation of the future if the anti- fossil fuel crowd is successful. Note that the wagon has wooden wheels. Tires would require oil. Even wind mills and solar panels require fossil fuels for their construction and to transport them to where they need to be. Fossil fuels and petrochemicals are the basis for our modern society including modern medicine, our ability to feed millions of people and provide sanitation for everyone. It is important for everyone to understand the basics about our energy. When we know the truth we can make good decisions based on facts. That is good for everyone especially our children and grandchildren. They may enjoy riding to school on horseback but they will miss their cell phones and Pokémon. Thoughts to ponder.

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